1. Meat, such as liver or sweetbreads, that has been taken from a part other than skeletal muscles.
2. Meat, such as sausage, that has been processed.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Why do we work?

I sat down yesterday to begin the outline for my post on focus and wrote “Why do we work?” at the top.  After playing with the outline for an hour or so and waiting overnight I’ve decided to go with “Why do we work?” today (because the rabbit hole of focus has turned into a warren, and I’m a lazy fck having waited this long to start the prose.)  I suspect that the answer has some bearing on focus, but one step at a time.

So, why do you work?  Immediately it jumps to mind that you want to provide food, shelter and comfort for yourself and those that you love.  I’m willing to bet that those needs are satisfied with a salary less than yours.  So, why do you work more than you need?  Has the capitalist marketing strategy manipulated you into a life of keeping up with the Joneses (with the latest set of Joneses being multi-million dollar models and hip-hop artists?)  I believe you’re smarter than that.  Do you crave more money which brings with it more status in society?  I think on this one closely as I suspect there is a bit of it in me.  Answers, I have not for you or myself. (wow, that’s an awkward sentence, but I like it.)

I’m think I’m gonna put my faith in “We work to feel satisfied that we matter.”  Now, if you identify with that statement, what do you want to do to matter?  A mindless job that simply satisfies the needs of your food, shelter, and comfort so you can spend your (precious little) free time doing the things that you want to do?  Or are we brave enough to test what else could be out there that we would enjoy more.  What is the test that determines one job better than another? Sounds like twaddlespeak to those of us in the trenches, does it not?  Let me know in the comments below what your thoughts are.  I've provided too many questions and very little information.

1 comment:

  1. Great read - Obviously what one values is person to person. I've met hundreds of people who enjoy their 9-5, M-F and others who despise it. Ive met people who want to work 3rd shift because they aren't a "people person," but go home to the people they do enjoy being around. I believe the majority of the American population believe the "grass is always greener," and would like to take a risk on a new job or have all the money in the world so they don't have to "work." But more money, more problems in my eyes! I work to feel accomplished and like a contributor. I feel apart of a team. I can rest easy knowing it's important to work hard, and play even harder! Thanks for your insight.
