I was going to muse on whether I'm truly working harder than my father for less compensation or if that just a perception due to increased demands on my attention from, not only work, but any of the myriad of distractions now available in our society. But I'm thinking I want to talk about fun stuff.
I've been thinking that I could just sell any small thing as a "proof of concept" muse business, but I keep tripping up on providing something I'm interested in. I need to check the wholesale sites to see if anything strikes my fancy. Likely I'm over thinking the whole thing.
I've been using GrooveShark.com and the new Google Music Beta (GMB) for my listening at work. I'm sure the RIAA will kill GrooveShark soon but until then it is an excellent source for random music. I've loaded all 8,544 songs in my music library into the GMB and it fills the gap when I want to hear something familiar. My latest find for new music has been the group Owl City, specifically the album Ocean Eyes.
Turned on my next-door neighbor to Agile guitars. He's expecting his first one today. These are North Korean pseudo-copies of Fender, Gibson, and PRS. The quality on them is fantastic and the price is cheap. I own a Les Paul and PRS from them. He borrowed my LP for a couple of days and must have liked what he saw.
My daughter has been composing some music for school on LMMS, a loop based music production tool ala FruityLoops. I loaded it up for her, gave her a quick lesson and that was all she needed. She "completed" her project for school in 2 days. Completed is in quotes because her mother and I think she could take it a few steps further to excellent if she would only want to. See this post for our on-going struggle. I'm inclined to leave it be as pushing another's art in a direction you think it should go isn't the message I want to teach, but mom is a stripey big cat. (I'm sure I'll be in trouble for that if she's reading.)
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